Position tracking limits

What are the differences between new and old tariffs?

Before we start with a single comparison, let us specify the names of new and old tariffs. 

New tariffs ......  LITE | PROFI | BUSINESS
Old tariffs ......  BASIC | STANDARD | PLUS

* For easier understanding, we will show you the differences between the old  Basic  tariff and the new  Lite  tariff

Old BASIC tariff

1500 keywords  per project 
(14-day tracking) 


40   keywords   measured daily 

700 credits  per month

New LITE tariff

7500 keywords  on the entire account 
(14-day tracking)


535 keywords  measured daily

700 credits  for one month







 For one example, one of the possible scenarios ... 

We are in the LITE account. We follow the  500 keywords  in  Project  A   and  1,000 keywords  in  Project  B  . All keywords are tracked in a fourteen-day interval. This means that we have another 6,000 more keywords available to us, which can be tracked at a four-week interval. We decided to start watching the other  100 key  words  every day  . We add keywords and highlight them  with a yellow star  . At this time, we have a further 4600 keywords that we can watch every fortnight. Do you ask how did we reach this number? Because one word followed every day  has a  value of fourteen words  that are monitored every two weeks. 

For a more detailed listing of individual tariffs, continue reading.


  • the word limit  applies to the entire account , for example, the LITE is  7,500 keywords  , these words are basically measured every 14 days
  • if you stop the word  , it will be measured daily, but at the same time  decreases the total word limit  you have in your account at a ratio of 1:14
  • so you can measure  535 words  each day on the LITE
  • in the Collabim top menu you will find the " Account Usage " tab, which shows how many words you have in your account and how many you can add

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  • the number of words  you enter  is limited per month  by the number of words you can have in the tariff so you can add up to 7500 words to your account each month up to that limit are newly added to words for projects you activate from the archive

Tariff limits - BASIC, STANDARD, PLUS

  • the basic limit is  1500 words per project  , more you do not record the word project
  • You can mark up to  40  words for  daily  measurement
  • Another limit is the  weekly limitation of the number of words entered into Collabim  - only 1/3 of all possible words in your account (for example, if you have BASIC, which is up to 7,500 words, you can enter a maximum of 2,500 words per week)

Common restrictions

  • the archived project can be restored only after the expiration of the two-month period (formerly available on request -> preparing this function)

Tariffs limits - FREE

  • the basic limit is  300 words per project  , more you will not record the word project
  • You can maximally mark  5 words  per day
  • paid functions in the fare can usually be seen, but they are limited (eg you see blurred data, etc.), some are not even accessible at all (position distribution, etc.)
  • archive at FREE is not possible
  • it is not possible to buy credits into one-off analyzes