The Holy Grail (domain researcher)

The Holy Grail is the main masterpiece of Collabim. In Collabim we measure millions of keywords for each project every week, therefore, we have access to SERP (Search Engine Result Page) results for each keyword. As a result, our data database is quite detailed and extensive - as you can probably imagine - and we want to share our database with you!

How is the Holy Grail helpful?

When you enter the URL of some domain into Collabim, the Holy Grail will show you the number of keywords for which the given domain appears in our database. We will adjust results of the analysis based on our limits and limitations. After that, the Holy Grail analysis will be completed and you will be able to view the final results of the analysis in Collabim. The analysis results will show you which keywords people use on search engines to search for the given domain, the search volume of these keywords, the ranking of the given domain, etc.

In addition to that, the Holy Grail analysis will show you other interesting information, for instance, statistics from the website called 

The Holy Grail is also a perfect source of inspiration - we will show you for which keywords your competitors are ranking on search engines. Furthermore, you will get to know if your website is displaying in search results for the keywords you desire. 

Keyword insertion options:

Simple insertion - simple keyword insertion, insert one keyword per line

Import from CSV / Excel - insert the file, which you want to import, the keywords will be loaded from the first column of the imported file

URL - enter the URL and we will load the most frequently used keywords 

Google Analytics - an option to get keywords from your Google Analytics (these are the keywords through which people have previously visited your website)

Google Search Console - an option to get keywords from your Google Search Console( these are the keywords through which people have previously visited your website) 

Explanation of columns in analysis results

First list - Organic results

Keyword  - the keyword for which the given website (and its every page) is displayed (e.g.  
Search Engine  - the search method  (Classic Google Desktop, Google for mobile devices , Google images | Engine) 
date added  - the last date on which Collabim found the given website
Position  - the ranking of your website in organic search results (when entering the given keyword into a search engine)
Search Volume  - the number of searches for the given keyword
Actual theoretical visits - the current theoretical traffic of your website for the given keyword
Visits on 5th positions up - the theoretical traffic of your website (based on the given keyword) when improving your ranking by 5 positions  
Visits on 10th positions up  - the theoretical traffic of your website (based on the given keyword) when improving your ranking by 10 positions  
Visits on 1st position  - the theoretical traffic of your website when improving your ranking to the first position

Second list - PPC on domain

All results relate to individual PPC ads and keywords.

Keyword  - the keyword for which your PPC ad is displaying
Search Engine  - the search method  (Google classic, mobile devices, Google Images | Type of search engine) 
Date added  - the last date on which Collabim discovered the given PPC ad
Domain  -  domain  name - website   (AD domain) 
Title  - the title of the PPC ad displayed for the given keyword 
Description  - the description of the page displayed for the given keyword 
Display URL  - the page, which displays to users
Destination URL  - the URL, on which the user land 
Location  - the ad placement on search engines  (Top - Top; Bottom - Bottom) 
Page  -  the number of page, on which your ad appears

Third list - PPC outside the domain

All columns have the same meaning as the columns in the previous list -  PPC on Domain 

The list does not display the ads of the given website, which you entered while creating the analysis, but it displays the ads of all the websites that target on given keywords.