Backlink checker

If you have links that do not work, Backlink Checker automatically checks each week to see if the backlinks are still lying on the target page and pointing to your website.

WARNING, links are checked only in the COMPLETED state.

If Collabim finds out that the link on the target page is missing, you will receive an email. Also, you will see this error in the section 'Link issues'.

Furthermore, we will send you a warning seven days and two days before the link expires, to the e-mail of the user who created the link, to the e-mail of an account owner and to the e-mails you have set up for sending linkbuilding alerts.

Backlink checker results

 Results of the backlink check can have several states:

  • There is  - The link has been verified and is working.
  • NOT Found - The link is not placed on the page you are reviewing or is hidden in some way.
  • Hidden - The link is hidden on the website - therefore search engine can't find the link.
  • nofollow - The link on the website has nofollow attribute.
  • Wrong anchor text  - Wrong link text (link text is different from the text defined for activity in SMM).
  • Wrong target page - For example, if the front page of the website is (with www), but the link leads to (without www). Another example of wrong target page is if the URL is/isn't ended with a slash.
  • Redirected - The page, on which the link is placed, is redirected.
  • Linkpage error  - The link page does not exist or returns another error. This happens when the page returns a 404 (page not found) status code or other website errors.
  • Error  - An unknown error or non-standard error in link detection, the problem should be more  described more in detail in the note.
  • Target page error - The target page is returning an error such as an error code 404.

In case an automatic check reports an error, it is always a good idea to check the discovered errors manually afterwards.

If the backlink checker detects errors, which probably happened by a mistake, it is always better to contact the webmaster of the given website, describe the detected problem to him and ask for its correction.
However, if it is obvious that the error was made on purpose, then either ask the webmaster for its readdressing (if the link is paid) or remove the exchange link from your website.

Control history on a link detail

Collabim keeps a history record of each activity. On the detail of each activity, you can see the result of the last check and a link to history.

How do I change my backlink check email?