Search volume of keywords

Search volume indicates the amount of searches for the given keyword - how much the keyword is searched in a search engine. A lot of keywords have surprisingly different ammount of search than you might think. Thanks to this feature, the user is able to have an overview of which keywords are worth targeting. Keyword searches can also be used in an SEO site audit.


Advantages of Collabim against Google Keyword Planner

Unlike Google Keyword Planner, which is Google's official keyword search program, Collabim gives whole search numbers rounded to the nearest ten.

If you want to do a keyword analysis, we rather recommend you to use the One-Time Keyword Rank and Search Volume Analysis, where you can save a lot of time by batch processing all the words at once.

Where are we getting our search volume data?

Where do you get your Google search volume?
Google search volume is a search volume of a broad-match keyword obtained mostly (not necessarily only) from the Google Ads Keyword Tool.

What does keyword competition mean?
Competition expresses the density of advertisers for a given keyword, in Collabim this value is expressed in percentages.

What is the time period of measured search volume in Collabim?
Search volume always indicates a monthly average amount of searches over the past 12 months. It is updated once a month.

Why do some "popular" keywords have no search volume?
There are ("sensitive") keywords that can be excluded from the results, for example due to regulatory restrictions (keywords related to medical procedures and others).

Such keywords are blacklisted by Google and although they can be searched, they show zero searches in the analytical tools. Examples include keywords related to cbd products or the tobacco industry or in connection with covid.